Locations give everyone at your organization context and information about where everyone works. Any Admin can add or edit Locations and their details. Head to Directory > Locations and select +New Location to get started, then add details to customize your new Location's page:
- Title: The name of your Location, like "Austin HQ".
- Description: Details of the location itself, what teams work here, and how you get work done. For example "Located in the heart of South Austin, Texas, Austin HQ is home to the majority of our Leadership and Product teams."
- Logo: Company or office logos go here, but snapshots of the building, office interior, or points of interest nearby work, too!
- Address: Used to help employees find your location, also used to place your location on a map in the Pingboard mobile app.
- Phone: Number to the front desk or main contact.
- Main Contact: Name and job title of the office's main contact or maintenance staff as chosen from your Pingboard Directory.
- Hours: The hours that this Location is open and working.
- Local Time: Local time zone for the location (optional).
- Transit & Parking: Transit, traffic, and parking details for your Location to keep everyone informed of how to get there and where to park.
- WiFi Details: Include your location's network name and WiFi password, or add information on where to go and who to talk to for that info.
- Permissions:
- Employees can view this location: Determines whether or not the Location you're creating will be visible to employees from the Locations page of the Directory.
- Employees can join and leave this location: Determines whether or not the Location you're creating is available for selection in the "Location" section of an employee's profile.
Still need help? Let us know.